Saturday, 19 December 2015

Christmas Stories

If you have some Christmas favourites, please share them here.
You can also record a reading of a story book.

Christmas Calamity

Some weeks ago Lauren brought a story book for the class from London.
Last week was the time to share it with the class.

Someone thought the story was so good they made an
animated version of it.
Click below and you can see a different version.
Can you find the differences in the two stories?
Which do you prefer?

Happy Birthday

Five years ago there was a little baby
in the house at Christmas time

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Carol Concert

Reception classes took part in the Carol Concert for 2015 with 
Away in a Manger and An Angel appeared in the Sky.

Christmas parties

Food, Games and Fun

What a menu!

We were in great company

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Our Creative Nativity - performance and crafts

Our stars

At the end of the show

Do you like our crafts? Can you identify the recycled materials?

Some shepherds looking after some curly sheep.

The Angels that appeared in the sky with beautiful voices
The stable where Jesus was born

Monday, 30 November 2015

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Ted can smell Christmas in the air

***** had such a fun weekend with Ted. They went to the Garden Centre to buy a Christmas tree. Ted made friends with a Polar Bear and loved smelling all the flowers. Back at the house Ted loved playing with Sizzles, their pet rabbit. Sizzles was very interested in Ted, but wouldn't share his carrot with him! At bedtime  ***** read a Charlie and Lola story to Ted.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Happy birthday to you

Two birthdays in a row.
Not many now are still 4 years old. 5 is the number to want to be!

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Pyjama day

Reception Bears raised over 130 euros to sponsor foster families and children's homes for children who cannot live with their own family.
Pyjama day is a fun day at school to help celebrate children's right to live in a home with a family.
We wore our pyjamas to school and got ready for bed.

Before going to bed we got a little something
ready to eat with a warm cup of milk.
We went up to the kitchen and made some pumpkin jam tarts.

Yum, they were delicious.
Now before going to bed we need to brush our teeth.
 Up and down, up and down and all the way around.

We tried to get to sleep...

but that did not really work. So we decided to count sheep.

 We counted all the way to 100. 
We sorted the numbers in tens 
and then ordered the units.
 Excitement was certainly in the air and
jumping on the bed is always fun.
Follow this jump video and jump like us.
Talking of videos. We viewed a couple of episodes of 
Bananas in Pyjamas

Bananas in pyjamas, what a wonderful idea!
Bananas coated in chocolate and dipped
in hundreds and thousands.

If after all this the little children in pyjamas were not tired,
the teachers in pyjamas certainly were.

Monday, 16 November 2015

Out and about in the sun

Ted and ****** took advantage of the good weather
and did loads of things.
They played in parks, rode bicycles and played minigolf.
They also had some calm moments listening to a story with little baby brother read by mummy. Mum read a nice book from the library: Winnie the Witch, we love her adventures with Wilbur!

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

World Origami Day

Today we celebrated origami day by folding origami fish.

We will also learn how to fold a crane.
The same paper bird Sadako, a WWII victim folded, wishing for good health and world peace.

In many places around the world children and adults fold thousands of cranes and place them in Sadako's honour
and her wish for world peace.
If you would like to encourage your child to continue to fold,
you can use:

Rememberance day

A couple more poppies bought.

11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month - a moment of silence.

Weekend away from school

What a lovely breakfast Ted had before
coming back to school this Monday.

Monday, 9 November 2015

Alexandre's choice of colours

The brown chocolate cake and the blue balloon.
The red suitcase and the yellow sponge.

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Percy the Park Keeper - a story a night for each day of the week

You can view the stories together at bedtime -
 just click on the videos.

The Secret Path

The rescue party

One Snowy night

The Fox's hiccups

The rabbit who was afraid of the dark

Congratulations, now you are 5!

Autumn at Serralves

In a secret field children came out from among the trees.
They found mushrooms with funny shapes and colours.
Some were bright red,
so they were specially careful not to touch them.
We found an acorn with a root. Will it grow into a tree?
We spotted some animals in the field! Sheep, horses and donkeys.
Snack time!
The curious donkeys came to see what we were up to.
They got a gentle pat and some grass.

Down by the farm.
Walking along the paths, climbing stairs and through shady areas.
We used a string to get in and out of a maze.
Our trip came to an end as we walked under the pergola
and heard the rustling
of some autumn leaves under our boots.
Perhaps the children can now show their parents around.
Free entrance every Sunday morning.
There is a restaurant and a tea house if you wish to spend the day.
Find out more at