Reception Bears
Autumn term
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Ourselves /Creation
Journeys and Celebrations
Develop confidence and self-esteem; Learn to ask for help / children’s rights; Making friends, take turns and learn to negotiate;
Learn about differences / empathy and respect; Take responsibility for tidying up and helping others
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Communication and Language
Listening and talking about stories, poems, songs and rhymes.
Develop the ability to use language to describe past and present experiences / sequence events.
Sharing relevant news about events from child’s own experience.
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Physical Development
Learn to use body, hands and feet with more skill.
Be aware of changes in body
Continue to develop independence in getting dressed;
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Spatial awareness, travelling and ball games
Dance and gymnastics
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Conventions of print;
Using a keyboard to type name and simple words;
Correct letter formation,
Reading and writing phonetic CVC words
Mick Inkpen - author
Conventions of print – basic grammar
Record observations
Label diagrams
Read and write freq. words
‘Percy the park keeper’
Nick Butterworth - author
Counting and ordering to 10 and beyond to 20
Patterns and 2D shapes;
Sequencing lengths and sizes
Vocabulary of time and of position
Sorting and matching;
Counting on and back to 20
Understanding of the World
Ourselves – growing and changing
‘What a wonderful world’ – Creation
‘Percy the park keeper’ –harvest; Autumn;
Journeys and celebrations – Halloween; Birthdays; Christmas
Expressive arts and design
Drawing, painting; collage; modelling
Teddy bear’s picnic; Learning songs and rhymes
Printing and painting; Drawing and typing in ICT; modelling; collage
Nativity play
Reception Bears
Spring term
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Spring / Easter
Develop confidence and self-esteem; Learn to know when help is or is not needed;
Learn about differences / empathy and respect; Adjust behaviour to different situations
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Communication and Language
Develop the ability to use language to describe past and present experiences / sequence events.
Sharing relevant news about events from child’s own experience; Give their attention to what others say and respond appropriately, while engaged in another activity.
Asking questions and running interviews to obtain information; Performing simple tales.
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Physical Development
Learn to use body, hands and feet with more skill;
Discuss why we eat /what and why – to keep healthy
Importance of hygiene.
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Dancing and gymnastics
Ball skills
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Conventions of print;
Using ICT to write simple words and captions;
Correct letter formation,
Reading and writing phonetic words and some high frequency words
Hans Christian Andersen - author
Conventions of print – basic grammar
Record observations
Reading and writing phonetic words and some high frequency words
Label diagrams
Rhyming words;
Dr. Seuss- author
Counting and ordering to 10 and beyond to 20
Addition 1-10 / Vocabulary of more and less; Ordinals;
Vocabulary of time and of position; Subtraction 1- 10
Counting on and back to 20
Solve problems using ICT
Understanding of the World
Winter Tales
Hot and cold Weather
Dragons and castles
Pushes and pulls / pulleys and levers
Green fingers
Life by a pond
Life cycle of a frog
Exploring a pond
Expressive arts and design
Tapestry; Art day artist -
Identifying different sounds of musical instruments; Percussion
Observational and creative drawings
Writing and reading simple musical notations
Reception Bears
Summer term
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Learn to work as part of a team; Respects and understands that likes and dislikes differ from each child. To persevere and sustain involvement when trying to solve a problem. Responds to significant experiences, showing a range of feelings when appropriate.
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Communication and Language
Learn to take turns in conversations & during activities with other children. Speaks clearly and with confidence;
Sharing relevant news about events from child’s own experience;
Use language to imagine and recreate roles and experiences;
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Physical Development
Repeats links and adapts simple movements.
Demonstrates coordination and control in large and small movements.
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Sports day practice
Small apparatus and small team games
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Narrative structure
Conventions of print
Group rhyming words
Shared reading
Basic grammar; Oral recounts
Writing three letter words
Julia Donaldson - author
Narrative structure
Conventions of print
Shared reading
Basic grammar
Oral recounts
Reading and writing high frequency words
Ronda Armitage - author
Write numbers 0 to 20;
Count in 2s & 10s;
Comparative language;
Sequence time
Addition & Subtraction up to 20; Doubles;
Simple problem solving; Estimation; Prediction
Understanding of the World
High in the Sky
Planes, kites and hot air balloons
Cogs and wheels
The light house keeper’s lunch
Healthy diet; birds
Oceans and Seas
Sea life, rafts and pirates
Expressive arts and design
Awareness of pitch;
Record own thoughts and ideas; Modelling and construction
Collage, mosaics;
Construction of rafts
Treasure hunt
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