Saturday, 26 September 2015

Early Skills and mouse control on the PC

Reception Bears have been developing their mouse control in a fun way using

You can request a free trial for 30 days or access the free content found on the web.

This is a safe site for  young children.
If you know of other sites you would like to recommend please feel free to share with the rest of the class.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Shape Search

The first challenge of the year!

Get inspired with this video and go on a shape search.
You can allow your child to take up to 6 special photographs of shapes around the house, send them to the class email and wait to view them here on the blog

9 essencial words

Praise and say yes to positive behaviour, to invitations to play a game, 
to an opinion, or to your child's suggestion. 
It represents validation.

A difficult word sometimes, but essential! Why?
-it represents limits
-guides a child
-helps to tolerate frustration
-allows the child to know what behaviour is expected of him/her

You are also allowed to make mistakes.
When you apologise you are showing what your child must do when he/she makes mistakes, as well as teaching other important skills such as forgiveness and generosity.

Asking for help promotes the child's independence and makes the child feel useful; that adults recognise his/her abilities and skills. 
It also encourages not to hesitate to ask for help whenever needed.

A child will feel recognised for what he/she has done and that will promote the repetition of the behaviour with the same attitude towards other people.

Try to ask your child's opinion as much as possible.
That way the child will feel valued and respected in his/her opinion. 
It also promotes open communication and critical thinking.

This gives your child a choice and a chance to make a decision as well as guiding the child's behaviour.
As well as that, he/she will be learning that sometimes one needs to choose.

No one knows everything and parents are no exception.
Recognising you don't know helps a child not to be afraid when he/she does not know the answer to something.
Take the opportunity to explore possible answers to the questions.

How do you feel when someone tells you: I love you?

taken from Atlas da saúde

This is the bear

by Sarah Hayes and Helen Craig

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Ted's first adventure this year

Ted playing and reading a library book
There were 4 in the bed and the little one said, "roll over!"
They all rolled over and one fell out...
There were 3 in the bed an the little one said, "roll over!"

Thursday, 10 September 2015

3 healthy snacks

Cutting and sorting shapes

Cutting required a lot of concentration!

After cutting we sorted the shapes by colour, size and shape.
You are welcome to come to the classroom to see the results.

We also sorted shapes on

                           by colour by Alexandre                                                 by shape by Barbara

We saw these short videos about shapes.

Our first Bear story

Where's my Teddy read by author JezAlborough
Click here

First moments

We are Reception Bears

A wonderful year awaits us.
Please revisit our blog to find out what we get up to.