Saturday, 19 December 2015

Christmas Stories

If you have some Christmas favourites, please share them here.
You can also record a reading of a story book.

Christmas Calamity

Some weeks ago Lauren brought a story book for the class from London.
Last week was the time to share it with the class.

Someone thought the story was so good they made an
animated version of it.
Click below and you can see a different version.
Can you find the differences in the two stories?
Which do you prefer?

Happy Birthday

Five years ago there was a little baby
in the house at Christmas time

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Carol Concert

Reception classes took part in the Carol Concert for 2015 with 
Away in a Manger and An Angel appeared in the Sky.

Christmas parties

Food, Games and Fun

What a menu!

We were in great company

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Our Creative Nativity - performance and crafts

Our stars

At the end of the show

Do you like our crafts? Can you identify the recycled materials?

Some shepherds looking after some curly sheep.

The Angels that appeared in the sky with beautiful voices
The stable where Jesus was born