Saturday, 14 May 2016

Brown Better than Chocolate

Brown was truely delicious this Friday. I will explain:
As usual, Reception was up in the library for the weekly book loan and group ICT session.

For the first 3 - 4 minutes there were no surprises. Children found books with illustrations they liked, asked for books other children had taken on previous occasions, while others found books by the authors they have become familiar with.
At this point, I must say, I have never encountered a group who identified authors so well or were so enthusiastic:
"I found a Dr. Seuss book." 
"Today I want a Nick Butterworth book." 
"This is a Hans Christian Anderson story."
"I like 'Winnie the Witch' stories. Who wrote the book?"asked Victoria. "Did she draw the pictures as well?"
The children have spotted books in the library by Julia Donaldson, I did not know existed, and yesterday David found Dr Seuss' biography.

Well, yesterday a little girl came up and asked, "I would like a brown book." I have been asked many questions but, never had a request for a brown book. I did not understand and was too slow on my feet to make the connection. She did not give up, and after a while the book was found.

Last week Luis had found this book about a lighthouse and a cat. I read the story to the class and mentioned that I liked books by this author and illustrator. 
Can you see why LuĂ­sa was looking for a Brown book?

Thursday, 12 May 2016


The Gamelan in a traditional ensemble from Indonesia
using percussive instruments. Reception Bears had the
opportunity to interact musically to create an
exquisit and intriguing sound.

Together we played the sound track to a short film about Spring.

Some illustrations of the event:

Book Day

The day started with everyone coming in dressed up
as a character in a story book.
We took part in the Big Read.
Did Reception Bears have the most parents
taking part in the Big Read?

Can you match the Characters to the story books?

Throughout the day different people came to read some stories.
Thank you very much.
Perhaps one day we can read you a story too.

Thank you Form 4 R