Monday, 26 October 2015

What a group of little children can do with a Pumpkin?

Rodrigo's family provided Reception Bears
with a massive pumpkin.

We chopped the pumpkin and weighed it on a balance against the sugar to make some pumpkin jam.
It was fun to see the balance tip, showing if there was enough pumpkin or not, and if sugar and pumpkin were even in weight.

We also took some pumpkin to the school cook
and she made some delicious soup with it.

We hope everyone can enjoy some pumpkin jam
on some delicious toast over half term.

Reception Bears enjoyed the story of Winnie's Amazing Pumpkin

You can enjoy more of Valerie Tomas' stories here

Colourful PE

Can you follow instructions? 
Can you run around, go under, skip, change places,
walk fast and faster, change direction, stretch, pull, roll,..
We had loads of fun using the parachute in our PE lesson.

Learning about our feelings

happy   sad   confused   surprised   angry   worried
what other feelings can you express with your face?

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Ted had an artistic weekend

This weekend Ted painted and learnt how to play the piano.
He also made some new friends.
They look very happy together, don't you think?

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Bárbara loves:

the blue sky
the orange leaf
the white flower
the green grass

Bárbara has found lots of circles at home

Are you wondering if Bárbara lives in a round house,
eats at a round table and sleeps in a round bed?

If she does not, it is still fun to imagine she does.

Saturday, 17 October 2015

e for Elmer

This week we read the sound 'e' in our group reading activities.
Remember, sound out the letters and then blend them together.


We also enjoyed the story of Elmer the patchwork elephant

We helped each other read these colours


What colours do you like?
Watch the video and send in your own answers.

Casa da Música - Opostos Bem Dispostos

This week we took a coach to visit Casa da Música.

It was an engaging show about opposites.

This is their promotional video (please have a sneak peek)

These are a couple of drawings of the show

Now you can learn some opposites in English with these videos

Monday, 12 October 2015

Ted learnt something new

Ted came to see my new puppy and I taught him some chinese.

After a long day, I gave Ted some water, read him a bedtime story and we had a good night's rest.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Teddy Bears Picnic

If you go out in the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise.
If you go down in the woods today, you'd better go in disguise;
For every bear that ever there was will gather there for certain because
Today's the day the Teddy Bears have their picnic.
If you go down in the woods today, you better not go alone.
It's lovely down in the woods today, but safer to stay at home;
For every bear that ever there was will gather there for certain because
Today's the day the Teddy Bears have their picnic.

Picnic time for Teddy Bears
The little Teddy Bears are having a lovely time today

Watch them, catch them unawares and see them picnic on their holiday.
See them gaily gad about.

They love to play and shout.

They never have any cares.

At six o'clock their Mummies and Daddies will take them back home to bed

Because they're tired little Teddy Bears.

These are some of the messages written by the children
to remind parents to allow a Teddy Bear to school.

We washed our fruit and made some honey sandwiches.

Walking down was so exciting. 
The children walked down in pairs, each one holding onto their Teddy Bear.
They also went in disguise to catch the bears unaware.

We played some games down in the 'woods.'

 This was a piggy back race.

Then, what a surprise!
We caught some Teddy Bears having a picnic!

When we were going up, we were some tired little Bears.

We have played this game in class. You may wish to play it at home going beyond counting to 10 when your child is confident and accurate with 5 and then 10.

Chocolate is always a good excuse for a Maths lesson

Reception Bears sorted Smarties by colour

They drew rings around each set and labled them

Finally they ate the smarties,
what a lovely treat after all that counting and labeling

Ted was out and about

After riding a bike, watching a football practice
and visiting friends a rest is well deserved.

At the park during the day and at night!

Sunday, 4 October 2015

What a variety of shapes!

A super hero search

This week in the ICT Suite

This week our tasks were: to open the Red Fish site using a link on the desktop;
                                                               find the designated tasks within the site
                                                               click on the numbers in the correct order
                                                               click and drag bees to their correct position

This was another activity within Design - Technology this week

I spy with my little eye

This was a game I used to play as little girl and later with my own children,
when we were waiting for an appointment or on a long drive in the car.

You can play the game saying the line:
'I spy with my little eye something beginning with...'
'I spy with my little eye something beginning with s and we wear it on our feet.'
'I spy with my little eye something beginning with t and we can find it on a farm, has a set of big wheels and a set of smaller wheels.'

I will publish the answers to the quiz on this page.

s - sock, spoon, snail, sun
t - tractor, tomato, tap, trainers, tie, telephone, train, toothbrush
p - pen, present, parrot, pig, pirate, panda
m- mouth, mouse, moon, monkey

Please add a comment if you find others not mentioned here.

When you wish to revisit the answer sheet, click on the label 'Vocabulary' found on the right.

Thursday, 1 October 2015