Sunday, 4 October 2015

I spy with my little eye

This was a game I used to play as little girl and later with my own children,
when we were waiting for an appointment or on a long drive in the car.

You can play the game saying the line:
'I spy with my little eye something beginning with...'
'I spy with my little eye something beginning with s and we wear it on our feet.'
'I spy with my little eye something beginning with t and we can find it on a farm, has a set of big wheels and a set of smaller wheels.'

I will publish the answers to the quiz on this page.

s - sock, spoon, snail, sun
t - tractor, tomato, tap, trainers, tie, telephone, train, toothbrush
p - pen, present, parrot, pig, pirate, panda
m- mouth, mouse, moon, monkey

Please add a comment if you find others not mentioned here.

When you wish to revisit the answer sheet, click on the label 'Vocabulary' found on the right.

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