Saturday, 2 January 2016

Calendar challenge

On the back, as you can see, there is a wheel with the order of the animals in the Chinese calendar.
Each month is decorated with an animal.
Well done, this is the first calendar in.

Well done. The months are in the correct order.

With this calendar the 4 seasons are shown. Can you name them?

 With this calendar ****** can cross out each day as we go along.
So far, we are 5 days into the New Year.
Each page has a photograph to celebrate each month. Can you guess what might be on the page for February?

Special family days are marked on this calendar.
**** will not forget any this year.

This calendar was made in a scrapbook style.
It has drawings and cut outs illustrating the various months. 
Special days are also marked. 
Can you guess where the family went on holidays last year?

This calendar is free standing.
Days can be marked off with a sticker.
It is another calendar illustrated with photographs to show the different months of the year.
What months are shown here?

This Little Bear has written the numbers to the 366 days of the year!
Mummy helped her hold the ruler while she drew the lines.
Each day has its own box and number. The names of the months are written at the top of each page.
Can you guess what day she brought the calendar to school on?
Fantastic work Little Bear!

A treat for all these Calendar makers.

One more calendar. Look at how many events and birthdays in May. 
Wonder how many more birthdays we could pencil in.

Yet another calendar. In this calendar, the months were decorated with phtographs and drawings.

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