Monday, 8 February 2016

Chinese New Year

Reception Bears prepared themselves for the Chinese New Year.
First we learnt how to say Happy New Year.
(sshin-nyen kwhy-ler)
We learnt about various Chinese traditions.
People visit one another and present their hosts with
 tangerines and oranges, which mean "luck" and "wealth."
Our first guest taught us how to make dumplings
and also steam a rice cake/pudding - nian gao.
We all had a go at making dumplings.
 The dumplings were delicious with the soya bean sauce.
Jing used a special pot to steam the nian gao.
We all had a taste of the rice pudding, but we did not all like it.

Our next guest taught us how to make pretty patterns with paper.
Paper was invented in China, they are very good at
making things from paper.

 We cut a monkey and a Chinese character
that means "double happiness."
See the story bellow to find out why this is the
year of the Fire Monkey.
Do you think the Jade Emperor was clever?

The New Year is also called the Spring Festival.
This is the character for Spring.
We folded and cut this intricate pattern.

Our third guest taught us how to draw some
Chinese characters.
We used brushes and special ink on red paper.
We followed instructions carefully.
We wrote numbers from 1 to 10.

Our last guest lived in Singapore and has celebrated
the Chinese New Year ever since.
Sarah makes cupcakes and decorates them with tangerines.
She helped us make the frosting and decorate our cupcakes.
Rodrigo's family provided some delicious tangerines.
We all had a taste and there were still plenty to take home.

The Chinese New Year was also a good excuse for a rickshaw ride.
It takes skill as well as strength to pull a rickshaw.


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